Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The gun situation is not hopeless | NC Policy Watch

I add this to that:

"Dear Mayor HEMMINGER,

Congratulations on your election and beginning of your
service as Chapel Hill Mayor.

I have read and heard a couple of comments by you in the
wake of the death of one-year old Maleah here in Chapel Hill. It is a horrible
story and a deep pain to be shared among us.

What I have not heard from you though, beyond yearning for a
change in state laws, is anything specific that you plan to do as a result of
this tragedy.

Have you announced any initiatives to reduce the number of
guns in Chapel Hill simply by announcing that you want to do so?

Have you spoken of any efforts to help us all understand
more about this little girl’s life and the lives of the people both involved
and affected by her death? In other words, what can we learn about our
neighbors that will help us as a community reduce the chances of anything like
this happening again?

I am a lawyer and I realize that there are limits on what
you can and should say while the cases of the accused are being adjudicated,
but that should not discourage you from speaking about how much more we need to
do to understand and help anyone in our midst who might be headed in the
direction of those who apparently committed this crime.

There are many small actions you might undertake such as
encouraging all businesses in Chapel Hill to post “no weapons” signs on their
premises. I believe that is still allowed under state law, but of course you
would want to check that.

How about a creative effort to help many of us relate better
to those people who have committed crimes, run afoul of the law in some way, or
who may be tempted so that we can try to embrace more of them. It does take a

I look forward to you getting down to specifics on what you
will do as Mayor to help us avoid a “next time”.




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