Monday, September 12, 2011

Cellphones while driving

My prediction is that nothing meaningful will come of this during the meeting this evening, and I decided it was not worth the effort. If stupid people assume the risks and accept the consequences of driving and using a cellphone at the same time, I guess it's just up to the rest of us to try to stay out of their way.

Here is the result:

"Regulate Cell Phones by Operators of Motor Vehicles: The Council voted to pursue enactment of a local ordinance to regulate the use of cell phones while driving. Next, the Council requested a full report on the issues related to detection of violations, enforcement and other issues. Town Attorney Ralph Karpinos said he would request an opinion from the NC Attorney General on the authority of a municipality to regulate the use of cell phones by motor vehicle operators on Town streets and State highways within the municipality. If the Council wishes to pursue the matter further, it would call a public hearing to receive further public input."

I wonder if the draft is due this decade or the next? Can you imagine how long this will languish before going anywhere?

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