Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Three shopping notes

It's interesting, at least, that Walmart has eliminated all of their self-checkout lines. One employee told me that it was because of maintenance issues - they kept breaking down. I bet there are other reasons and it may be a local option question.

Separately, I was curious in checking out of Weaver Street Market to know how many people walked out of the store with a printed receipt in their hands. The Market person who checked me out said that she thinks it is more of less 50/50. I will ask again. There is a lot to be learned from that choice, I think.

I have purchased several items recently at Home Depot that I was not able to use once I got them home. The no questions asked return policy there is very impressive; no one ever challenged me on my good faith returns. I wonder if most stores in Chapelboroham have a similar approach. For me, it adds to customer satisfaction but whether it makes me shop at Home Depot more often is not clear to me.

Monday, March 15, 2010


"Town of Chapel Hill : Event Calendar : Google Fiber for Communities Public Forum"

I wonder what it says about all that there may be 900 people on a Facebook page related to this application but only 3 or 4 people showed up to speak at the "forum"?

"The Herald-Sun - The democracy of sidewalks"

Great editorial, but we need more sophistication in approaching the challenge of a pedestrian network for Chapelboroham. Imagine if we were starting only with that and cars came second!

If so, I bet we would have avoided most of what this map shows.

It would be great to see this map cover the rest of Chapelboroham as well.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


It's interesting to look at current sales in Chapelboroham (for free loyalty card holders):

Spend $80 at Harris-Teeter and save 10
Spend $75 at Staples and save 10
Spend $40 at Ace and save 10

"By Law, Trains Slipping Silently Through Towns" - NPR

"Former Edwards Aide Avoids Jail" -

It's not often that a Pittsboro-datelined story appears in The New York Times!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Durham dental clinic - NC Dental Society

This is open only two days - 12-13 March.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Twongo - Up to 55% off Award-winning Salon Kroma"

Has anyone signed up for this? Does it deliver value?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pothole at Walmart

There is a deep pothole at the front of a parking space between Walmart and Best Buy. My car slid into it today.

Now, how does one report such a thing? To Walmart? To Best Buy? To the owner of the shopping center? Who is that?

Composting equipment

Why do so few places in Chapelboroham carry a full line of composter and composter tools?

"Driven to Distraction - Distracted Driving in Ambulances and Police Cruisers" -

"Goodwill drops Governors Village site" - Chapel Hill News

I'd like to know more about this, but what I read here worries me about a "not in my backyard" approach that is wholly inconsistent with how would look at this if the proposal were to come to Southern Village.

"Texting While Driving: Put The Thumbs Away" - NPR

North Carolina deserves great praise for having banned texting. Now, two things have to happen. We all need to reinforce the existence of the law to friends, colleagues and any time we are a passenger in another vehicle. Second, the police need to work as hard as they can to make sure that the law is followed. The former is probably going to be much more effective than the latter.

"Google Maps Adds Directions for Cyclists" - Gadgetwise Blog -

It will be worth checking if this applies to Chapelboroham and where things stand in terms of pedestrian directions. I think they are already there, but good to check!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Metrics - A Banking Battleground" -

We seemed to be colored with a highly competitive color on this map.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Use of sidewalks?

I wonder if anyone keeps track of sidewalk traffic? They sure do for roads; what about sidewalks?

Sidewalk addition on 15-501

It's nice to see the work starting on the stretch of sidewalk that will run from Subway (across the street from CVS) to the Park and Ride lot for UNC some distance to the north.

While that is a plus, I cannot help but wonder who will use it.

I have always been a fervent sidewalk supporter, but I fear that too many have been constructed for reasons that don't relate to the likelihood of getting people to walk on them. And why does it have to be so close to the highway?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Northern Ireland safe driving laws

Why don't we have all of these in place here!

"Changing sign law ‘a can of worms’"

Chapelboroham Tree Bank?

With all of the discussion about trees, I wonder if there is not an opportunity to create a Chapelboroham Tree Bank. What I mean is that we have in Chapelboroham today X number of trees. That's our account balance.

If we make a withdrawal through the cutting down of trees anywhere by anyone for any reason, the tree cutter is responsible for going to the "Bank" noting this and then using the software that could be included to locate the type and location of potential tree planting to make up for the cuts?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bringing Google to Chapel Hill

It's fascinating to see the decision taken to apply for this before there is any evidence of probable use! There may be a great deal, but I question all of the work that will be done by the Town of Chapel Hill (and for those who live in Carrboro, there, too) and UNC to put an application together before the evidence of need and probable use has been collected. It looks like a big team of people and that's a lot of government time being used and diverted from other work.

"Chapel Hill-Carrboro-UNC to Apply for Google Fiber for Communities

Posted Date: 3/3/2010

The towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have teamed up to apply for Google's ultra-high speed Internet project. A strong application will depend on identifying community resources that can contribute to the Google effort and enthusiastic community support for the project.

On Feb. 10, Google announced the initiative to deploy and test fiber optic networks that will deliver Internet services at a speed of 1 gigabit per second, which is more than 100 times faster than the speeds available to most Americans today. The communities selected by Google will be "testbed" communities that will help the company demonstrate the new capabilities enabled by faster and better broadband access.

Google will pay for the construction and operation of the networks and will charge customers competitive rates for the service. Besides the great benefit to business, economic development and the home user, ultra-high speed bandwidth will enable new consumer applications, as well as medical, educational and other services.

An inter-jurisdictional team is preparing the competitive application that is due on March 26. Team members include Ken Pennoyer, Dwight Bassett, Bob Avery, Sabrina Oliver and Catherine Lazorko from the Town of Chapel Hill; Andy Vogel, James Harris and Matt Efird from the Town of Carrboro; and John Streck, Linda Convissor and Shannon Tufts from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Residents, businesses, and community and University groups are encouraged to provide input through an upcoming public forum and an online survey, by joining the Bring Google Fiber to Chapel Hill & Carrboro NC Facebook group and may also provide input directly to Google. Learn more at

• Joint Public Forum - A Joint Public Forum is being planned for 7 p.m. Monday,

March 15, at Chapel Hill Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., to receive public comment regarding community interest in the fiber optic trial and how residents would use an ultra-high speed Internet network.

• Public Survey - A survey has been posted at The survey is being used to gauge public opinion for the project and to receive ideas and comments for the application. Survey questions were taken from the Google Request for Information guidelines."

Walking "trails" at UNC

In case you were are some trails around the campus.

"BOG to launch search process" - Herald-Sun

My thoughts on all this as I expressed them to a "BOG" member over the weekend:

"As I understand it, he will leave UNC at the end of 2010 or whenever y’all select a successor.

In France, where you may recall I spend a great deal of time, we are constantly debating how many roles government officials can play. In Nice, where we have our home, our Mayor is an extraordinary guy, having grown up in the public housing of Nice and having become one of the most astute and articulate politicians whom I know in either country.

But, he serves concurrently as Minister of Industry in the SARKOZY government AND as Mayor of Nice. Yes, there are advantages for Nice, but I have told him on a number of occasions that it’s a little like thinking you can drive an automobile and talk on the phone without being distracted from your driving. It’s impossible.

Likewise, one cannot be the fulltime Mayor of Nice and French Minister of Industry without devoting less than 100% - a lot less – to one job or the other.

Having watched BOWLES’ interview this evening on the NewsHour with Jim LEHRER, I am fully convinced that you and the other governors face the same quandary with the two roles he is now playing.

To be fair to the people of North Carolina, he should either resign immediately as UNC system president or you should tell him he gets to choose between that and the co-chairmanship of the commission….or he accepts at least a 50% cut in his compensation as UNC president until a successor can be found.

Sure, it’s nice to see him appointed to this important post, and I am sure he and Alan SIMPSON, with whom I worked on a number of issues when in DC, will do great things. But once past that good news piece of this, there is the bad news that the UNC system will, without question receive less of his attention than he was engaged to give it.

Either he needs to step down entirely, accept reduced compensation, or you need to find a successor immediately, interim or otherwise.

I am not sure yet how hard I will press this point publicly, and I wanted to share it with you directly before I take any other action to advance this position."

"Survey: Munich has Europe's best public transportation; Paris, London lag" -

Imainge where Chapelboroham would have ranked, had it been included!

"Leading Scholar’s U-Turn on School Reform Shakes Up Debate" -

I think there is a need to get more people with no direct family stake in the school system involved in the discussions and debate. My own view, consistent with Dr. RAVITCH's new view, is that school policy is a matter for all of us, not just for activist parents with kids in school.

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Tea Party Patriots"

I am not sure if this is the main "Tea Party" group - its website.

In any case, for this group, they seem to have a number of groups ostensibly in Chapelboroham.